Altar Server Ministry


We assist the celebrant and deacon during Sunday Mass and at special liturgies by carrying out duties such as carrying the processional cross, holding candles, and assisting with the preparation of the altar.

Have Questions?

Who Can Serve

Anyone who has celebrated First Communion

Sign Up to Volunteer

When We Serve

Weekly at Masses and as needed for other liturgical services

Ministry Scheduler Pro

Why You Should Serve

For an opportunity to deepen your faith, develop a sense of responsibility, and actively participate in the sacred rituals of the church. Serving as an altar server allows individuals to learn important skills such as teamwork, discipline, and attention to detail, which can have a positive impact on personal growth and character development.

Complete Safe Environment Training

If you are 18 years old and above, our archdiocese requires all adult volunteers to complete safe environment training.

This short one-hour online training teaches people how to create a secure and protected environment for everyone, especially children, by recognizing and preventing potential risks or harm.

Learn More

Contact Us

James Storemski

Altar Server Coordinator (English Masses)

Connect with Us!
Call us during our office hours Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 281.469.2686 or send us a message below.
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